
Binary classification modeling with alookr.


  • Clean and split data sets to train and test.
  • Create several representative models.
  • Evaluate the performance of the model to select the best model.
  • Support the entire process of developing a binary classification model.

The name alookr comes from looking at the analytics process in the data analysis process.

Install alookr

The released version is available on CRAN.

Or you can get the development version without vignettes from GitHub:


Or you can get the development version with vignettes from GitHub:

install.packages(c("ISLR", "spelling", "mlbench"))
devtools::install_github("choonghyunryu/alookr", build_vignettes = TRUE)


alookr includes several vignette files, which we use throughout the documentation.

The provided vignettes are as follows.

  • Cleansing the data set
  • Split the data into a train set and a test set
  • Modeling and Evaluate, Predict
browseVignettes(package = "alookr")

How to use alookr package

For information on using the alookr package, refer to the following website.