Visualize pareto chart for variables with missing value.

  only_na = FALSE,
  relative = FALSE,
  main = NULL,
  col = "black",
  grade = list(Good = 0.05, OK = 0.1, NotBad = 0.2, Bad = 0.5, Remove = 1),
  plot = TRUE,
  typographic = TRUE,
  base_family = NULL



data frames, or objects to be coerced to one.


logical. The default value is FALSE. If TRUE, only variables containing missing values are selected for visualization. If FALSE, all variables are included.


logical. If this argument is TRUE, it sets the unit of the left y-axis to relative frequency. In case of FALSE, set it to frequency.


character. Main title.


character. The color of line for display the cumulative percentage.


list. Specifies the cut-off to set the grade of the variable according to the ratio of missing values. The default values are Good: [0, 0.05], OK: (0.05, 0.1], NotBad: (0.1, 0.2], Bad: (0.2, 0.5], Remove: (0.5, 1].


logical. If this value is TRUE then visualize plot. else if FALSE, return aggregate information about missing values.


logical. Whether to apply focuses on typographic elements to ggplot2 visualization. The default is TRUE. if TRUE provides a base theme that focuses on typographic elements using hrbrthemes package.


character. The name of the base font family to use for the visualization. If not specified, the font defined in dlookr is applied. (See details)


a ggplot2 object.


The base_family is selected from "Roboto Condensed", "Liberation Sans Narrow", "NanumSquare", "Noto Sans Korean". If you want to use a different font, use it after loading the Google font with import_google_font().


# \donttest{
# Generate data for the example
jobchange2 <- jobchange[sample(nrow(jobchange), size = 1000), ]

# Diagnose the data with missing_count using diagnose() function

jobchange2 %>% 
  diagnose %>% 
#> # A tibble: 14 × 6
#>    variables        types missing_count missing_percent unique_count unique_rate
#>    <chr>            <chr>         <int>           <dbl>        <int>       <dbl>
#>  1 company_type     fact…           325            32.5            7       0.007
#>  2 company_size     orde…           313            31.3            9       0.009
#>  3 gender           fact…           227            22.7            4       0.004
#>  4 major_discipline fact…           161            16.1            7       0.007
#>  5 last_new_job     orde…            24             2.4            7       0.007
#>  6 education_level  orde…            17             1.7            6       0.006
#>  7 enrolled_univer… fact…            11             1.1            4       0.004
#>  8 experience       orde…             3             0.3           23       0.023
#>  9 enrollee_id      char…             0             0           1000       1    
#> 10 city             fact…             0             0             88       0.088
#> 11 city_dev_index   nume…             0             0             72       0.072
#> 12 relevent_experi… fact…             0             0              2       0.002
#> 13 training_hours   inte…             0             0            194       0.194
#> 14 job_chnge        fact…             0             0              2       0.002

# Visualize pareto chart for variables with missing value.

# Visualize pareto chart for variables with missing value.
plot_na_pareto(jobchange2, col = "blue")

# Visualize only variables containing missing values
plot_na_pareto(jobchange2, only_na = TRUE)

# Display the relative frequency 
plot_na_pareto(jobchange2, relative = TRUE)

# Change the grade
plot_na_pareto(jobchange2, grade = list(High = 0.1, Middle = 0.6, Low = 1))

# Change the main title.
plot_na_pareto(jobchange2, relative = TRUE, only_na = TRUE, 
                 main = "Pareto Chart for jobchange")

# Return the aggregate information about missing values.
plot_na_pareto(jobchange2, only_na = TRUE, plot = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 8 × 5
#>   variable            frequencies ratio grade  cumulative
#>   <fct>                     <int> <dbl> <fct>       <dbl>
#> 1 company_type                325 0.325 Bad          30.1
#> 2 company_size                313 0.313 Bad          59.0
#> 3 gender                      227 0.227 Bad          80.0
#> 4 major_discipline            161 0.161 NotBad       94.9
#> 5 last_new_job                 24 0.024 Good         97.1
#> 6 education_level              17 0.017 Good         98.7
#> 7 enrolled_university          11 0.011 Good         99.7
#> 8 experience                    3 0.003 Good        100  

# Non typographic elements
plot_na_pareto(jobchange2, typographic = FALSE)

# }