Tools for Data Diagnosis, Exploration, Transformationdlookr provides data diagnosis, data exploration and transformation of variables during data analysis. |
dlookr: Tools for Data Diagnosis, Exploration, Transformation |
Data quality diagnosis |
Describe overview of data |
Visualize Information for an "overview" Object |
Summarizing overview information |
Diagnose data quality of variables |
Diagnose data quality of variables in the DBMS |
Diagnose data quality of categorical variables |
Diagnose data quality of categorical variables in the DBMS |
Diagnose data quality of numerical variables |
Diagnose data quality of numerical variables in the DBMS |
Diagnose outlier of numerical variables |
Diagnose outlier of numerical variables in the DBMS |
Reporting the information of data diagnosis |
Reporting the information of data diagnosis for table of the DBMS |
Reporting the information of data diagnosis |
Reporting the information of data diagnosis for table of the DBMS |
Diagnosis of level combinations of categorical variables |
Reporting the information of data diagnosis with html |
Reporting the information of data diagnosis for table of the DBMS with html |
Combination chart for missing value |
Plot the combination variables that is include missing value |
Pareto chart for missing value |
Plot outlier information of numerical data diagnosis |
Plot outlier information of target_df |
Plot outlier information of numerical data diagnosis in the DBMS |
Exploratory Data Analysis |
Compute descriptive statistic |
Compute descriptive statistic |
Performs the Shapiro-Wilk test of normality |
Performs the Shapiro-Wilk test of normality |
Plot bar chart of categorical variables |
Plot Q-Q plot of numerical variables |
Plot Box-Plot of numerical variables |
Plot histogram of numerical variables |
Plot distribution information of numerical data |
Plot distribution information of numerical data |
Compute the correlation coefficient between two variable |
Deprecated functions in package ‘dlookr’ |
Visualize correlation plot of numerical data |
Visualize Information for an "correlate" Object |
Summarizing Correlation Coefficient |
Target by one variables |
Target by one column in the DBMS |
Relationship between target variable and variable of interest |
Summarizing relate information |
Visualize Information for an "relate" Object |
Compare categorical variables |
Compare numerical variables |
Summarizing compare_category information |
Summarizing compare_numeric information |
Visualize Information for an "compare_category" Object |
Visualize Information for an "compare_numeric" Object |
Statistic of univariate categorical variables |
Statistic of univariate numerical variables |
Summarizing univar_category information |
Summarizing univar_numeric information |
Visualize Information for an "univar_category" Object |
Visualize Information for an "univar_numeric" Object |
Reporting the information of EDA |
Reporting the information of EDA for table of the DBMS |
Reporting the information of EDA with html |
Reporting the information of EDA for table of the DBMS with html |
Reporting the information of EDA |
Reporting the information of EDA for table of the DBMS |
Compute Predictive Power Score |
Summarizing Predictive Power Score |
Visualize Information for an "pps" Object |
Data Transformation |
Finding variables including missing values |
Finding variables including outliers |
Finding skewed variables |
Impute Missing Values |
Impute Outliers |
Summarizing imputation information |
Visualize Information for an "imputation" Object |
Data Transformations |
Summarizing transformation information |
Visualize Information for an "transform" Object |
Binning the Numeric Data |
Optimal Binning for Scoring Modeling |
Binning by recursive information gain ratio maximization |
Summarizing Binned Variable |
Visualize Distribution for a "bins" object |
Visualize Distribution for an "optimal_bins" Object |
Summarizing Performance for Optimal Bins |
Visualize Distribution for an "infogain_bins" Object |
Extract bins from "bins" |
Diagnose Performance Binned Variable |
Summarizing Performance for Binned Variable |
Visualize Performance for an "performance_bin" Object |
Reporting the information of transformation |
Reporting the information of transformation |
Reporting the information of transformation with html |
Miscellaneous |
Calculate the entropy |
Skewness of the data |
Kurtosis of the data |
Kullback-Leibler Divergence |
Jensen-Shannon Divergence |
Cramer's V statistic |
Theil's U statistic |
Extract variable names or indices of a specific class |
Extracting a class of variables |
Describe column of table in the DBMS |
Finding Users Machine's OS |
Finding percentile |
Transform a numeric vector |
Import Google Fonts |
Generate paged HTML document |
dlookr HTML template |
Datas |
Sales of Child Car Seats |
Flights data |
Heart Failure Data |
Job Change of Data Scientists |