The transformation_web_report() report the information of transform numerical variables for object inheriting from data.frame.
target = NULL,
output_file = NULL,
output_dir = tempdir(),
browse = TRUE,
title = "Transformation",
subtitle = deparse(substitute(.data)),
author = "dlookr",
title_color = "gray",
logo_img = NULL,
create_date = Sys.time(),
theme = c("orange", "blue"),
sample_percent = 100,
base_family = NULL,
a data.frame or a tbl_df
character. target variable.
name of generated file. default is NULL.
name of directory to generate report file. default is tempdir().
logical. choose whether to output the report results to the browser.
character. title of report. default is "EDA Report".
character. subtitle of report. default is name of data.
character. author of report. default is "dlookr".
character. color of title. default is "gray".
character. name of logo image file on top left.
Date or POSIXct, character. The date on which the report is generated. The default value is the result of Sys.time().
character. name of theme for report. support "orange" and "blue". default is "orange".
numeric. Sample percent of data for performing EDA. It has a value between (0, 100]. 100 means all data, and 5 means 5% of sample data. This is useful for data with a large number of observations.
character. The name of the base font family to use for the visualization. If not specified, the font defined in dlookr is applied. (See details)
arguments to be passed to methods.
No return value. This function only generates a report.
Generate transformation reports automatically. This is useful for Binning a data frame with a large number of variables than data with a small number of variables.
The transformation process will report the following information:
Data Structures
Data Types
Job Information
Missing Values
Resolving Skewness
Optimal Binning
The base_family is selected from "Roboto Condensed", "Liberation Sans Narrow", "NanumSquare", "Noto Sans Korean". If you want to use a different font, use it after loading the Google font with import_google_font().
# \donttest{
if (FALSE) {
# create html file. file name is Transformation_Report.html
# file name is Transformation.html. and change logo image
logo <- file.path(system.file(package = "dlookr"), "report", "R_logo_html.svg")
transformation_web_report(heartfailure, logo_img = logo, title_color = "black",
output_file = "Transformation.html")
# file name is ./Transformation.html, "blue" theme and not browse
transformation_web_report(heartfailure, output_dir = ".", target = "death_event",
author = "Choonghyun Ryu", output_file = "Transformation.html",
theme = "blue", browse = FALSE)
# }