Find the variable that contains the missing value in the object that inherits the data.frame or data.frame.

find_na(.data, index = TRUE, rate = FALSE)



a data.frame or a tbl_df.


logical. When representing the information of a variable including missing values, specify whether or not the variable is represented by an index. Returns an index if TRUE or a variable names if FALSE.


logical. If TRUE, returns the percentage of missing values in the individual variable.


Information on variables including missing values.


#> [1]  4  6  7  8  9 10 11 12

find_na(jobchange, index = FALSE)
#> [1] "gender"              "enrolled_university" "education_level"    
#> [4] "major_discipline"    "experience"          "company_size"       
#> [7] "company_type"        "last_new_job"       

find_na(jobchange, rate = TRUE)
#>         enrollee_id                city      city_dev_index              gender 
#>               0.000               0.000               0.000              23.531 
#> relevent_experience enrolled_university     education_level    major_discipline 
#>               0.000               2.015               2.401              14.683 
#>          experience        company_size        company_type        last_new_job 
#>               0.339              30.995              32.049               2.208 
#>      training_hours           job_chnge 
#>               0.000               0.000 

## using dplyr -------------------------------------

# Perform simple data quality diagnosis of variables with missing values.
jobchange %>%
  select(find_na(.)) %>%
#> # A tibble: 8 × 6
#>   variables         types missing_count missing_percent unique_count unique_rate
#>   <chr>             <chr>         <int>           <dbl>        <int>       <dbl>
#> 1 gender            fact…          4508          23.5              4    0.000209
#> 2 enrolled_univers… fact…           386           2.01             4    0.000209
#> 3 education_level   orde…           460           2.40             6    0.000313
#> 4 major_discipline  fact…          2813          14.7              7    0.000365
#> 5 experience        orde…            65           0.339           23    0.00120 
#> 6 company_size      orde…          5938          31.0              9    0.000470
#> 7 company_type      fact…          6140          32.0              7    0.000365
#> 8 last_new_job      orde…           423           2.21             7    0.000365