print and summary method for "univar_category" class.

# S3 method for univar_category
summary(object, na.rm = TRUE, ...)

# S3 method for univar_category
print(x, ...)



an object of class "univar_category", usually, a result of a call to univar_category().


logical. Specifies whether to include NA when performing a chi-square test. The default is TRUE, where NA is removed and aggregated.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


an object of class "univar_category", usually, a result of a call to univar_category().


An object of the class as individual variables based list. The information to examine the relationship between categorical variables is as follows each components.

  • variable : factor. The level of the variable. 'variable' is the name of the variable.

  • statistic : numeric. the value the chi-squared test statistic.

  • p.value : numeric. the p-value for the test.

  • df : integer. the degrees of freedom of the chi-squared test.


print.univar_category() displays only the information of variables included in univar_category. The "variables" attribute is not displayed.


# \donttest{

# Calculates the all categorical variables
all_var <- univar_category(heartfailure)

# Print univar_category class object
#> $anaemia
#>   anaemia   n      rate
#> 1      No 170 0.5685619
#> 2     Yes 129 0.4314381
#> $diabetes
#>   diabetes   n      rate
#> 1       No 174 0.5819398
#> 2      Yes 125 0.4180602
#> $hblood_pressure
#>   hblood_pressure   n      rate
#> 1              No 194 0.6488294
#> 2             Yes 105 0.3511706
#> $sex
#>      sex   n      rate
#> 1 Female 105 0.3511706
#> 2   Male 194 0.6488294
#> $smoking
#>   smoking   n      rate
#> 1      No 203 0.6789298
#> 2     Yes  96 0.3210702
#> $death_event
#>   death_event   n      rate
#> 1          No 203 0.6789298
#> 2         Yes  96 0.3210702

# Calculates the only smoking variable
all_var %>% 
  "["(names(all_var) %in% "smoking")
#> $smoking
#>   smoking   n      rate
#> 1      No 203 0.6789298
#> 2     Yes  96 0.3210702

smoking <- univar_category(heartfailure, smoking)

# Print univar_category class object
#> $smoking
#>   smoking   n      rate
#> 1      No 203 0.6789298
#> 2     Yes  96 0.3210702

# Filtering the case of smoking included NA 
smoking %>%
  "[["(1) %>% 
#>   smoking   n      rate
#> 1      No 203 0.6789298
#> 2     Yes  96 0.3210702

# Summary the all case : Return a invisible copy of an object.
stat <- summary(all_var)

# Summary by returned object
#>         variables statistic      p.value df
#> 1         anaemia  5.622074 1.773565e-02  1
#> 2        diabetes  8.030100 4.600629e-03  1
#> 3 hblood_pressure 26.491639 2.646812e-07  1
#> 4             sex 26.491639 2.646812e-07  1
#> 5         smoking 38.290970 6.094401e-10  1
#> 6     death_event 38.290970 6.094401e-10  1
# }