It generates plots for understand frequency, WoE by bins using performance_bin.

# S3 method for performance_bin
plot(x, typographic = TRUE, base_family = NULL, ...)



an object of class "performance_bin", usually, a result of a call to performance_bin().


logical. Whether to apply focuses on typographic elements to ggplot2 visualization. The default is TRUE. if TRUE provides a base theme that focuses on typographic elements using hrbrthemes package.


character. The name of the base font family to use for the visualization. If not specified, the font defined in dlookr is applied. (See details)


further arguments to be passed from or to other methods.


A ggplot2 object.


The base_family is selected from "Roboto Condensed", "Liberation Sans Narrow", "NanumSquare", "Noto Sans Korean". If you want to use a different font, use it after loading the Google font with import_google_font().


# \donttest{
# Generate data for the example
heartfailure2 <- heartfailure

heartfailure2[sample(seq(NROW(heartfailure2)), 5), "creatinine"] <- NA

# Change the target variable to 0(negative) and 1(positive).
heartfailure2$death_event_2 <- ifelse(heartfailure2$death_event %in% "Yes", 1, 0)

# Binnig from creatinine to platelets_bin.
breaks <- c(0,  1,  2, 10)
heartfailure2$creatinine_bin <- cut(heartfailure2$creatinine, breaks)

# Diagnose performance binned variable
perf <- performance_bin(heartfailure2$death_event_2, heartfailure2$creatinine_bin) 
#>      Bin CntRec CntPos CntNeg CntCumPos CntCumNeg RatePos RateNeg RateCumPos
#> 1  (0,1]    131     24    107        24       107 0.25000 0.52709    0.25000
#> 2  (1,2]    131     49     82        73       189 0.51042 0.40394    0.76042
#> 3 (2,10]     32     21     11        94       200 0.21875 0.05419    0.97917
#> 4   <NA>      5      2      3        96       203 0.02083 0.01478    1.00000
#> 5  Total    299     96    203        NA        NA 1.00000 1.00000         NA
#>   RateCumNeg    Odds   LnOdds      WoE      IV     JSD     AUC
#> 1    0.52709 0.22430 -1.49478 -0.74592 0.20669 0.02525 0.06589
#> 2    0.93103 0.59756 -0.51490  0.23396 0.02491 0.00311 0.20407
#> 3    0.98522 1.90909  0.64663  1.39548 0.22964 0.02658 0.04713
#> 4    1.00000 0.66667 -0.40547  0.34339 0.00208 0.00026 0.01462
#> 5         NA 0.47291 -0.74886       NA 0.46332 0.05520 0.33172
#> ── Binning Table ──────────────────────── Several Metrics ── 
#>      Bin CntRec CntPos CntNeg RatePos RateNeg    Odds      WoE      IV     JSD
#> 1  (0,1]    131     24    107 0.25000 0.52709 0.22430 -0.74592 0.20669 0.02525
#> 2  (1,2]    131     49     82 0.51042 0.40394 0.59756  0.23396 0.02491 0.00311
#> 3 (2,10]     32     21     11 0.21875 0.05419 1.90909  1.39548 0.22964 0.02658
#> 4   <NA>      5      2      3 0.02083 0.01478 0.66667  0.34339 0.00208 0.00026
#> 5  Total    299     96    203 1.00000 1.00000 0.47291       NA 0.46332 0.05520
#>       AUC
#> 1 0.06589
#> 2 0.20407
#> 3 0.04713
#> 4 0.01462
#> 5 0.33172
#> ── General Metrics ───────────────────────────────────────── 
#> • Gini index                       :  -0.33657
#> • IV (Jeffrey)                     :  0.46332
#> • JS (Jensen-Shannon) Divergence   :  0.0552
#> • Kolmogorov-Smirnov Statistics    :  0.27709
#> • HHI (Herfindahl-Hirschman Index) :  0.39564
#> • HHI (normalized)                 :  0.19419
#> • Cramer's V                       :  0.31765 
#> ── Significance Tests ──────────────────── Chisquare Test ── 
#>   Bin A  Bin B statistics     p_value
#> 1 (0,1]  (1,2]   11.86852 0.000570907
#> 2 (1,2] (2,10]    8.35901 0.003837797


# Diagnose performance binned variable without NA
perf <- performance_bin(heartfailure2$death_event_2, heartfailure2$creatinine_bin, na.rm = TRUE) 
#>      Bin CntRec CntPos CntNeg CntCumPos CntCumNeg RatePos RateNeg RateCumPos
#> 1  (0,1]    131     24    107        24       107 0.25532   0.535    0.25532
#> 2  (1,2]    131     49     82        73       189 0.52128   0.410    0.77660
#> 3 (2,10]     32     21     11        94       200 0.22340   0.055    1.00000
#> 4  Total    294     94    200        NA        NA 1.00000   1.000         NA
#>   RateCumNeg    Odds   LnOdds      WoE      IV     JSD     AUC
#> 1      0.535 0.22430 -1.49478 -0.73975 0.20689 0.02529 0.06830
#> 2      0.945 0.59756 -0.51490  0.24012 0.02672 0.00333 0.21154
#> 3      1.000 1.90909  0.64663  1.40165 0.23604 0.02731 0.04886
#> 4         NA 0.47000 -0.75502       NA 0.46966 0.05592 0.32870
#> ── Binning Table ──────────────────────── Several Metrics ── 
#>      Bin CntRec CntPos CntNeg RatePos RateNeg    Odds      WoE      IV     JSD
#> 1  (0,1]    131     24    107 0.25532   0.535 0.22430 -0.73975 0.20689 0.02529
#> 2  (1,2]    131     49     82 0.52128   0.410 0.59756  0.24012 0.02672 0.00333
#> 3 (2,10]     32     21     11 0.22340   0.055 1.90909  1.40165 0.23604 0.02731
#> 4  Total    294     94    200 1.00000   1.000 0.47000       NA 0.46966 0.05592
#>       AUC
#> 1 0.06830
#> 2 0.21154
#> 3 0.04886
#> 4 0.32870
#> ── General Metrics ───────────────────────────────────────── 
#> • Gini index                       :  -0.34261
#> • IV (Jeffrey)                     :  0.46966
#> • JS (Jensen-Shannon) Divergence   :  0.05592
#> • Kolmogorov-Smirnov Statistics    :  0.27968
#> • HHI (Herfindahl-Hirschman Index) :  0.40893
#> • HHI (normalized)                 :  0.11339
#> • Cramer's V                       :  0.31765 
#> ── Significance Tests ──────────────────── Chisquare Test ── 
#>   Bin A  Bin B statistics     p_value
#> 1 (0,1]  (1,2]   11.86852 0.000570907
#> 2 (1,2] (2,10]    8.35901 0.003837797


plot(perf, typographic = FALSE)

# }